Friday, January 4, 2008

The one good thing about Jersey

Garden State. One of my FAVORITE movies ever! I never really remembered why it was my favorite movie. But, last night Elena and I watched it and I fell in love with it all over again. It has an absolutely amazing soundtrack, and Natalie Portman and Zach Braff are so cute they make me want to puke...
Here's a little taste of what you too can experience if you ever watch this movie.


E said...

Ahh! I LOVE it. I'm going to watch it over and over and over again all weekend long.

David said...

I could not quite hear what she said about her Mother. I know in composing you are in this zone ... it is transcendental in the least and transforming in the most.

I looked at both movies twice. It strikes me that all of you sisters are so photogenic that you could be in a movie together.

I dated a Jersey girl for a long while and almost married her. She has the Jersey talk, the Jersey attitude, almost like a small town feel from the East Coast. Cool.