Saturday, December 29, 2007

Snow and Stuff

It's been snowing a lot 'round these parts.

Here's some fun pictures for everyone.

Sam and me.

Oh no...

...more snow!

Even the dog was cold.

With the momma.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Recap

Today is Christmas.
Mom, Dad, Dondi, Elena and Pete, Farrah and I all had tons of fun opening our gifts this morning. Unfortunately Farrah had to leave early to make it back to Minnesota. Elena and Pete went back home after all the festivities, and Dondi left soon after as well. I took a nice long nap (about 4 hours.)

Mom, Dad, and I had dinner together and then Heather came over to bring me a gift. She MADE all of it!!!!

A hat! A scarf, and leg warmers!!! Amazing? I think so.

Now I'm off with the 'rents to see The Golden Compass...
Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sisters and Sugar

Farrah got in from Minneapolis this morning, and so today Elena came over and we all hung out. We played with baby Brooke and Farri made cookies. We had a little photo session as well.

Frosting Kisses.

Tree Huggers.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Audrey's Present

Audrey opened her present from me today!

What could it be?

"A box!"

Still unsure...

O there it is! PINK BOOTS.

Trying them on for size.

They're a hit!

My new room.

This is what I got from Amber and Ryan.

A new lamp shade.

A new rug.

And a new comforter and throw for my bed!

New Digi

I leave Virginia today for some Kansas adventures!

So, since I'm leaving I got to open my Christmas presents early at the Facer household.
I'll put up pictures of what I got later today...

In addition I also got a Christmas bonus in the form of a digital camera!!
It's the best thing ever!!!!!!!!!
Now I can more fully document my life and this blog will greatly benefit I think.

However, it's kind of hard to take a picture of a new camera with the camera, but my friend Kara and I did have a mini photo session. So here you go.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

2007 Favorites

In addition to Elena's list I have decided to contribute my own favorites from this year.
In no particular order...

1. Rock the Bells. On July 28th I attended a Hip Hop concert in NYC on Randall's Island. It was an all day event and by far one of the craziest things I've done. Some of the band's included The Roots, Public Enemy, Cypress Hill, Rage Against the Machine, Mos Def... I rolled my ankle earlier in the day and thought I was fine until RATM came on and I started raging (jumping up and down, moshing, going nuts, screaming, dancing.) During this segment I broke one of my flip flops, dude, why was I wearing flip flops? Because I'm an idiot. Anyways, the point is I was jumping up and down barefoot and ended up screwing up my ankle even more. By the end of the night Leo was calling me blackfoot, and I could barely walk. The night was capped off by a homeless women trying to sell me a pair of reeboks. Which Leo found hilarious and egged her on, so I had to purchase them. Although, I did NOT wear them. I made our friend Fhil wear them and I sported his high top Nikes instead. The next morning I limped my way to Chinatown in the pouring rain, and was out of commission for the next 3 days (because of the busted ankle.)

2. Well, it's hard to top the above scenario. But, another adventure would be moving to Virgina. In August I took the long train ride into Woodbridge (about 8 hours.) I became a live in nanny for little miss Audrey. She's two years old and by far the cutest kid I've ever seen. She's so well behaved and I couldn't ask for a better job. I get to live with my amazing sister Amber, and brother in law Ryan. Not only have I got to know them better, but I've made friends here and am comfortable calling it my home. I'm enrolled for school this spring , and really feel like my life is pointed in the right direction.

3. Costco... I couldn't leave my dearest friend Costco out of the mix. They've got samples, clothing, books, movies, dollar pizza, and everything else you could imagine. I used to make fun of Amber for her love of Costco, but now there's a special place in my heart for it. Thanks for the corduroys Costco... and the nice winter coat. Also, I have to add on the Potomac Mills Mall. You can't go wrong with outlet stores, and although the mall makes it hard to save money my wardrobe has greatly benefited from it.

4. Boston in the summertime. In the month of May Sam left me all alone in the big city of Boston. I was nervous at first, but soon made friends through work and got to take part in the Red Sox madness. I worked in a restaurant a block from Fenway park and business was booming. During that time I waited on Jason Varitek and his family, experienced the awesome nightlife of Boston, and had an all around amazing time. Even though my apartment didn't have air conditioning I enjoyed every minute of it. Elena came to visit me during those summer months and she can fill you in on how hot it was. We had so much fun laughing together and I enjoyed watching her suffer without air conditioning.

There is so much more that I could add on here. It's been a big year, but this post has already taken up quite a bit of time so I'll have to submit a second segment later....

Friday, December 14, 2007


this commercial is fun to watch.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Herbal Remedies

I'm talking hot tea people... C'mon now.
So, considering it's cold season and the weather is changing I've been drinking lots and lots of herbal tea. My favorite is probably the Tension Tamer, but Amber has an impressive collection to choose from so I'm trying to mix it up a bit. I drink at least 2 cups a day if not more. It's just so relaxing. Currently I'm drinking the Red Vanilla Madagascar. MMmmmmm.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Christmas Tree Time

Last Sunday Amber, Ryan, Audrey and I all put up the Christmas tree. Here are some pictures of the event. Actually these were taken the day after...

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pathetic I know..

yet soooo exciting! So, as you all know, or will now know... I finally have a normal bank account. So, today I paid my phone bill online and it worked! It was one of the more exhilarating things to happen to me this week. Now I can finally do online things like everyone else!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Andre the CrAzY cat.

So I was just talking to my friend Sam on the phone when she told me that her cat Andre was acting strange. Then, she screams, "O my gosh, Andre is taking a sh*t on my nightgown... Genny, I'm going to have to call you back I have to deal with this!"

That was about thirty minutes ago. I hope Andre and the nightgown are okay. HAahahaha!


Snow Day...

...well not quite. It's snowing outside, and earlier everything was covered, but now it's just melting when it hits the ground. There's nothing better than some hot soup on a cold winter day! Amber, Margaret, Audrey, and I all had some Pho for lunch. It's a delicious Vietnamese soup. I had a picture of it for all of you, but the computer hookup is mia... so I'll just have to explain it. You get a container full of hot broth (with ginger, basil, and a little cinnamon,) then you add your noodles, bean sprouts, this delicious spicy sauce, and some thinly sliced beef. Stir and enjoy. It's got an amazing flavor and is soooo yummy on such a chilly day.

Okay I googled it and found a picture. MMMmm!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I am the famous...

John F. Kennedy.
I won't be riding in a convertible any time soon.

After seeing Elena compared to Saddam Hussein I had to see how I stacked up.

Standard Slacker

Sorry sorry sorry! I know I haven't updated in a while so I apologize. I have lots of fun pictures to put up dealing with Christmas, but those will have to wait for another day. Until then I'll give you all a heads up as to where I am in my Virginia life right now.

Last week I went up to NoVa (the community college I'll be attending,) and I found out all the courses I should be taking. So I'm in the process of signing up for my classes for January. I have to go and take two placement tests today, or someday this week. One for English and one for Math. I'm nervous about the math one because I haven't done any Algebra in about 3 years now! After that, I'll be ready to enroll. YAY! "Back to school... Back to school to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool. Here's a Billy Madison clip for enlightenment.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Costco Crazy

Today Amber, Audrey, and I went to Costco to do some light shopping. That's the understatement of the year. The samples were out in full force. Tortellini, fudge, cookies, quiche, banana creme pie, chocolate candies, mango slices, dried plums. In addition to the samples I decided I needed to buy a winter coat. I already have one. But, this one is brown and it's down. Very very nice. Also, I bought some new corduroy pants because the zipper on my brown ones broke while I was in Boston. I used to make fun of Amber for buying clothes at Costco. Look at me now. My former self would be sooo ashamed.
But the new and improved Genny loves Costco and I'll shout it from the rooftops. I LOVE COSTCO and their clothes!!
Here's a picture of the new coat except mine is brown, and a little bit different quilting pattern. Same brand though.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yes, I have issues.

I can't commit to a phone plan so i prepay. Yes, I am a Virgin Mobile user.
I just recently got a bank account. A real one, with a debit/credit card. Before that I just carried cash around. Even so, I still just carry around cash.
It took me about 3 months to get a Virgnia driving license.
I had an unpaid speeding ticket and a warrant in Kansas for about 8 months. I lived in Boston and no longer drove so I didn't find it neccessary to pay the fee.

My last visit to Kansas I decided to move back for good. Since that decision I've changed my mind and decided to stay in Virginia and go to school.
The worst part about not being able to make up my mind, is telling people I've changed plans.

Sorry everyone. I know I bounce back and forth with ideas and plans for my life, and I know it's stressful sometimes. But, I do it because I want to make sure I make the right choice for me and not for anyone else.
I think I'm a people pleaser and I tend to decide on things based on how it will affect others lives. I've recently become more aware that I need to think about how it will affect my own.
So, in the future I will try to not make empty promises.
This is the end of the seriousness for now.

Monday, November 26, 2007


I booked my flight home for the Winter Holidays!

December 20th-January 11th. Yay!!

Thanksgiving Break

This is a much needed update. Sorry everyone. I only have a few pictures of my trip to Boston, for now. But, I will post more later. The first is of Sarah and me standing in the middle of Yawkey Way (Fenway Park) on Thanksgiving. The weather was gorgeous so we took a stroll while the roast was cooking. Sam lives a block away from where this picture was taken. Shortly after the picture we took our coats off because it was too hot. Sarah is a friend that came up to visit from Arizona, so she pretty much froze her butt off the whole time except for that day.

The next picture is of Sam and me being, well... ourselves.

Lastly, here is a picture of Chelsea (from VA... Virginia Beach) and me. This was our last night in Boston and Sam took us all to Fugakyu, the best Sushi place in town. This was my 5th or 6th time, and I tried sushi again. It was better this time, but I still ordered my cooked beef just in case. One of these days I'll go there and actually order sushi.
I miss it already, but it's now my favorite place to visit.