Friday, November 30, 2007

Costco Crazy

Today Amber, Audrey, and I went to Costco to do some light shopping. That's the understatement of the year. The samples were out in full force. Tortellini, fudge, cookies, quiche, banana creme pie, chocolate candies, mango slices, dried plums. In addition to the samples I decided I needed to buy a winter coat. I already have one. But, this one is brown and it's down. Very very nice. Also, I bought some new corduroy pants because the zipper on my brown ones broke while I was in Boston. I used to make fun of Amber for buying clothes at Costco. Look at me now. My former self would be sooo ashamed.
But the new and improved Genny loves Costco and I'll shout it from the rooftops. I LOVE COSTCO and their clothes!!
Here's a picture of the new coat except mine is brown, and a little bit different quilting pattern. Same brand though.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yes, I have issues.

I can't commit to a phone plan so i prepay. Yes, I am a Virgin Mobile user.
I just recently got a bank account. A real one, with a debit/credit card. Before that I just carried cash around. Even so, I still just carry around cash.
It took me about 3 months to get a Virgnia driving license.
I had an unpaid speeding ticket and a warrant in Kansas for about 8 months. I lived in Boston and no longer drove so I didn't find it neccessary to pay the fee.

My last visit to Kansas I decided to move back for good. Since that decision I've changed my mind and decided to stay in Virginia and go to school.
The worst part about not being able to make up my mind, is telling people I've changed plans.

Sorry everyone. I know I bounce back and forth with ideas and plans for my life, and I know it's stressful sometimes. But, I do it because I want to make sure I make the right choice for me and not for anyone else.
I think I'm a people pleaser and I tend to decide on things based on how it will affect others lives. I've recently become more aware that I need to think about how it will affect my own.
So, in the future I will try to not make empty promises.
This is the end of the seriousness for now.

Monday, November 26, 2007


I booked my flight home for the Winter Holidays!

December 20th-January 11th. Yay!!

Thanksgiving Break

This is a much needed update. Sorry everyone. I only have a few pictures of my trip to Boston, for now. But, I will post more later. The first is of Sarah and me standing in the middle of Yawkey Way (Fenway Park) on Thanksgiving. The weather was gorgeous so we took a stroll while the roast was cooking. Sam lives a block away from where this picture was taken. Shortly after the picture we took our coats off because it was too hot. Sarah is a friend that came up to visit from Arizona, so she pretty much froze her butt off the whole time except for that day.

The next picture is of Sam and me being, well... ourselves.

Lastly, here is a picture of Chelsea (from VA... Virginia Beach) and me. This was our last night in Boston and Sam took us all to Fugakyu, the best Sushi place in town. This was my 5th or 6th time, and I tried sushi again. It was better this time, but I still ordered my cooked beef just in case. One of these days I'll go there and actually order sushi.
I miss it already, but it's now my favorite place to visit.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Trilogy Boston

Courtyard view from Sam's apartment.

This place is like a hotel, and it snowed this morning.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Audrey's sleeping right now, and oh how I would love to be doing that as well. Unfortunately I drank a 16 oz. Green Tea with my lunch, and can't sleep at all. It was delicious though. Next time I'll have to make some herbal tea instead.

It is one of my favorites. Try it sometime.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Two Days

So another year another Thanksgiving. Last year I spent the holiday with Audrey, Amber, and Ryan. It was nice to be with family since the previous year I was away at school and ended up going to Utah for my room mate's family Thanksgiving. This year is going to be a whole different ballpark altogether, and strangely enough it will be taking place next to the best ballpark in the nation.

I leave for Boston on Thursday night and I will be having Thanksgiving with friends. I'm in charge of the main course so I'll have to let you know how that turns out. We aren't going to be having Turkey. I'm going to cook a Roast instead... mmm. Mom if you are reading this I need the recipe for that, and also for your French Silk Pie. This should be interesting. I will miss my family once again, but Christmas is right around the corner, and I'll definitely be there for that. Until then I love you all and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Movie Update

Tonight Kara and I saw the new Steve Carrel movie, 'Dan in real Life.' It was awesome. Not only was it laugh out loud funny, but it's also one of those feel good movies. Numerous times I was ready to burst into tears. It's not sad. It's happy sad... It made my heart ache.

If that doesn't make sense then I guess you just have to see it for yourself to fully understand the meaning. I would totally see it again. I love how Steve Carrel makes you sorry for him in every role he plays. This movie had a 'Little Miss Sunshine' vibe, but was a completely different aspect altogether. It was nice to feel all warm and fuzzy inside on such a cold rainy night.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Little Audrey

I get bored really easily and so sometimes I feel like my days are a little longer than normal. Today Audrey did NOT want to take a nap. I tried several times, but she just wasn't having it. So, I decided to take her shopping so she could use up some of her energy. When we got home she still didn't want to take a nap despite her droopy eyes. I suggested we try snuggling. So we laid on my bed and it took her a while, but she finally dozed off. There is nothing more precious than seeing little Audrey sleeping peacefully. Sometimes, being a nanny is very hard work. I feel for the moms out there... kids are a handful. But I love Audrey and even though I get stressed sometimes it's so amazing to feel the love and trust from such a little person.

Yesterday a lady at the library told me how gorgeous my daughter was. I told her thank you, but that I couldn't take the credit because she was niece. However, other times when people tell me how cute she is I like to just play along and pretend she's mine.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


After reading Elena's new blog entry on shoes that got me thinking about boots. I need some winter boots. I like these ones I found at Maybe I'll add them to my Christmas Wish List.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

it finally came.

I got my re-acceptance letter to BYUI today. I'm not going. I don't care, and even if I did it's not like I have the money to go anyway.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Sometimes when I'm with a group of people I feel lonely.

I bite my fingernails.

I enjoy shopping by myself.

I like driving with the windows down. Even it it means I have to turn on the heat.

Dogs make me happy.

Painting relaxes me.

Over time things just get more intricate.

I like to think I'm a deep thinker, but in reality I rarely contemplate anything of significant importance.