Monday, September 17, 2007

So i was randoming surfing blogs and came across a link to this hilarious website. It shows pictures and videos of people who wash their cats. haha. here's a couple of pictures for all of you.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

No letters were harmed in the making of this video...

Here's an update for the few of you who actually read this.
So being a nanny for my niece Audrey, I get my fair share of Disney movies and kid shows, but lately the favorite has been a Leap Frog learning show called The Letter Factory (Froggy Show.) It teaches kids the sound that letters make. I've had the pleasure of watching it every day and sometimes twice a day, but in yesterdays case I got to enjoy The Letter Factory three times!
Needless to say I now know that A says AH!
My favorite letter is either the T (without the T where would be... we're just here doing our thing.) Imagine a tapping T with a top hat and it becomes a lot more exciting, or the W. The W wears a sweat band and a gold chain, and scratches a record while saying wha wha wha wha. It's pretty much the highlight of my day.
Amber is constantly catching me singing the little tunes in my head and tonight I got the T song stuck in hers. Ha. I tried to find of video of it for all of you to preview, but all I managed to round up was this picture. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do.