Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Candy Sickness

All day Amber and I were hyping up Audrey for trick or treating and so when the bell rang she was so excited to see who it was. However, the first trick or treater was a boy in a bloody scream mask. Audrey's face dropped when she saw him and it immediately traumatized her. For about 20-30 minutes afterwards the door bell would ring and she would claw into Amber terrified. She kept saying 'scared, scared.' Then we would tell her that the scary guy was gone, and she'd say, 'scare gone, scare gone.' It was very sad. Eventually we got her to go ouside and she ended up going around the block like all the other little kids.

My job for the night was handing out candy. I put a chair on the porch and held the treat bucket. Unfortunately, for my tummy, I was eating the candy as I was passing it out. Now I feel like I'm going to vomit. Halloween's not as fun as it used to be.

1 comment:

E said...

Aw, poor Audrey.

I know what you mean about the candy. I have been at Brenda's the last few days and just eating all the crap. Unfortunately, I have been throwing up.

Halloween isn't as fun as it used to be. Damn adulthood.